Thomas Paul’s week – No. 11
In this episode, the Secretary General of the World Evangelical Alliance visits the headquarter of the Association of Evangelicals in Africa.
Ethik · Gesellschaft · Theologie · Mission · Religionssoziologie
In this episode, the Secretary General of the World Evangelical Alliance visits the headquarter of the Association of Evangelicals in Africa.
The WEA welcomes the resolution agreed upon at the fifth United Nations Environment Assembly to end plastic pollution and forge an international legally binding agreement.
In this episode, Thomas Paul attends the 5th Assembly of the United Nations Environment Program in Nairobi, Kenya together with Matthias Böhning.
Schirrmacher hält Ansprache beim Trauer- und Dankgottesdienst für Rudolf Diezel in der Freien evangelischen Gemeinde Nürnberg
In this episode, Thomas Paul (Secretary General of the WEA) explains why Paul was a religious extremist too.
Im Rahmen der monatlichen Talkshow-Reihe der Historical Faith Society ist Alexander Schick am kommenden Sonntag zu Gast bei Timothy Mahoney.
In this episode, Thomas Paul tackles the question why often the numbers of Evangelicals are in line with the 600 million mentioned by WEA.